Spring Building. (No more muddy build sites!)

Check out the latest “Melbourne Kitchen and Bathroom Design – Edition 14 – pg 208”. It features our best kitchen yet. Absolutely beautiful!!! It is displayed in our "Display Home" which is open by appointment .

With Spring in the air and the weather getting better, it makes life easier for our Builds. Currently we are constructing new homes in Sunshine West, Atherston (Melton South) and Bacchus Marsh. 

It is so hard on everyone in the winter with all the rain and the building sites turning to mud. 

However, with the ground drying out, things are progressing faster and everyone has a smile back on their face. We are working hard to get 4 Clients settled into their new homes for Xmas.

We also have a lovely 3 Bedroom Home in Atherston (Melton South) at Lock up stage which will be completed in the next couple of months and is up for Sale. If you know anyone wanting to move into a lovely new home prior to Xmas, give us a call.

Our Display Home kitchen... (open by appointment).

Our Display Home kitchen... (open by appointment).

Our Display Home kitchen... (open by appointment).

Our Display Home kitchen... (open by appointment).